10th July 2020

Friends say Johnson’s ‘New Deal’ does little for climate crisis

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker climate campaigners have said that Boris Johnson’s ‘New Deal’ in which he pledged to ‘build, build, build’ offers little to tackle the climate emergency and create…

10th July 2020

New panel for gender discrimination in religious organisations

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Hannah Brock Womack, who was recently blocked from being the fourth president of Churches Together in England because she is in a same-sex marriage, is a member of a new…

10th July 2020

QARN calls for Friends to write to MPs

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) is urging Friends to write to MPs seeking support for recently-tabled amendments to the Immigration and Social Security Coordination…

10th July 2020

Glenthorne to reopen in August

by Rebecca Hardy

The Glenthorne Quaker Centre in Grasmere has said it is reopening from 7 August after being closed since 23 March.

3rd July 2020

Quaker woman wins top engineer award

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker who led the way in Bristol becoming the first city in Europe to declare a climate emergency has been named one of the Top Fifty Women in Engineering for 2020 by the…

3rd July 2020

Quakers condemn anti-BLM vandalism

by Rebecca Hardy

Woodbridge Quakers have sent a ‘statement of solidarity’ to the organisers of a local Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest after white supremacist graffiti was found in nearby…

3rd July 2020

Friends gather outside

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are preparing to come together again as the lockdown across England eases, with many proceeding with caution. Following the prime minister’s announcement on 23 June that…

3rd July 2020

Quaker Tapestry launches virtual tour

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Tapestry museum has launched a virtual tour where visitors can ‘walk’ among the panels and watch short films on its history.

Friend sets up blind football in Malawi
3rd July 2020

Friend sets up blind football in Malawi

by Rebecca Hardy
3rd July 2020

BYM joins voices against annexes

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has joined with humanitarian, development and faith organisations to oppose Israeli government plans from 1 July to ‘annex more Palestinian land’.

26th June 2020

Young activists call to be ‘more involved’

by Rebecca Hardy

Birmingham youth strikers do not feel they are being heard in climate emergency decision-making, a workshop with young activists has found.

26th June 2020

Quakers in Refugee Week

by Rebecca Hardy

As the World Health Organisation highlighted refugees as ‘some of the world’s most vulnerable people’ in the face of a globally accelerating Covid-19 pandemic, Friends marked…