18th December 2020

‘Chilling’ effect on campaign groups

by Rebecca Hardy

The UK government is making it harder for campaigning voices to be heard, staff from Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) have said. Writing on the Quakers in Britain website, Grace Da…

18th December 2020

Friends call for more black history lessons

by Rebecca Hardy

A Scottish Friend involved in one of the four South-East Scotland Area Meeting study groups set up to explore racism has said that there should be more taught about British black…

18th December 2020

‘Tough time’ for prisons

by Rebecca Hardy

The challenges facing prison staff and chaplains throughout the pandemic was explored in an online Quaker workshop this autumn.

18th December 2020

Friends explore slavery and the City

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends in London took part in a walk around the capital last month aimed at deepening their understanding of the capital’s links to slavery. A small group of Quakers joined the…

11th December 2020

Campaign against military spending heats up

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends are speaking out strongly against the government’s recent decision to hike military spending by £16.5 billion. In a statement to the House of Commons on 19 November,…

11th December 2020

QSA and QHA merge

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Open Christmas run by Quaker Homeless Action (QHA) will not be taking place in 2020, due to the practicalities of its merger this month with Quaker Social Action (QSA).

Remembering the Kindertransport
11th December 2020

Remembering the Kindertransport

by Rebecca Hardy
11th December 2020

Friends debate Quakers’ future

by Rebecca Hardy

‘Is the future of Quakerism universalist?’ asked the Quaker Universalist Group (QUG) at an online meeting held as part of the Yearly Meeting ‘Fringe’.

11th December 2020

Quaker reflections on poetry and faith

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker university chaplain was invited to take part in an online event exploring the relationship of poetry and faith. Barbara Davey, from the chaplaincy team at the University…

11th December 2020

Meeting for Sufferings: Young people’s participation day

by Harry Albright

December’s Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) gave young people an opportunity to participate. After joining the Meeting for the opening worship and a ‘getting to know you’…

11th December 2020

Meeting for Sufferings: Trustees’ report

by Harry Albright

The first main item of business was the report from Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees. Caroline Nursey, clerk to trustees, told the meeting that trustees spent quite a bit of…

11th December 2020

Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meeting 2021

by Harry Albright

In the afternoon, MfS considered plans for Yearly Meeing (YM) 2021. YM clerk Clare Scott Booth told MfS that she was pleased with the way Yearly Meeting 2020 had gone, despite the…