The Edinburgh Meeting House will not be operating as a venue for live performances at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2021. The building’s usual transformation into Fringe Venue 40…
The entire staff team at the Quaker-founded guest house The Penn Club was made redundant last week, only days after the club revealed that it had found a new home.
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has announced the dates for the 2021 Yearly Meeting Gathering (YMG) which will be held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The numbers of people signing up for Woodbrooke courses increased by over a third in 2020, the Quaker centre has reported.Total attendance for its online worship in 2020 was also…
The Quaker school Leighton Park has been awarded the 2020 Award for Outstanding Local Community Involvement.
The steering group of the Quaker ‘Experiment with Light’ has launched a new website and app.
A teenage Friend has criticised the UK army for misusing the language of female empowerment to target pro-military messages at girls and young women.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has confirmed that it will not be taking the successful appeal won by the ‘Stansted Fifteen’ earlier this year to the Supreme Court. Quaker…
Richmond Meeting has launched a fundraiser to raise money to restock its Meeting house garden. Antonia Swinson, from the Meeting, told the Friend that the Pledges4Plants initiative…
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Written by and for Friends on the bench