11th December 2020

Meeting for Sufferings: Quaker World Relations Committee

by Harry Albright

Ann Floyd presented the report of Quaker World Relations Committee (QWRC). She said that an online discussion had been held between sixty-six Friends from Africa and Britain that…

11th December 2020

Meeting for Sufferings: Racism

by Harry Albright

In October, MfS discussed the issue of racism in small groups, and in December Edwina Peart, the BYM inclusion and diversity co-ordinator, introduced further consideration, saying…

Jocelyn Bell Burnell portrait
4th December 2020

Jocelyn Bell Burnell portrait

by Rebecca Hardy
4th December 2020

Quakers must tackle racism, says BYM

by Rebecca Hardy

It’s time for Quakers to tackle racism, says Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), claiming that ‘racism exists among Quakers in Britain and must be tackled at all levels,…

4th December 2020

Nadiya Hussain withdraws from arms-backed event

by Rebecca Hardy

The Great British Bake Off star Nadiya Hussain pulled out of a careers event for young people after teenage peace campaigners pointed out it was sponsored by multinational arms…

4th December 2020

Pop-up shop for refugees

by Rebecca Hardy

A Huddersfield Friend helped organise a pop-up shop for asylum seekers and refugees last month as part of her long-standing donation work.

4th December 2020

Spending review ‘fails’ green agenda

by Rebecca Hardy

The government has failed to put the climate emergency at the heart of its 2020 Spending Review, Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has said, tweeting: ‘We urgently need a climate plan…

4th December 2020

First Kenyan Friend for Quaker PhD

by Rebecca Hardy

A Kenyan Friend is undertaking research into the history of African Quakerism, in what Woodbrooke describes as ‘important work’ in hearing ‘African voices about African…

Artist Friend holds skybound exhibition
27th November 2020

Artist Friend holds skybound exhibition

by Rebecca Hardy
27th November 2020

Quakers in climate year of action

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) joined more than seventy organisations in the COP26 Coalition to launch ‘a year of climate mobilisation from the ground up’.

27th November 2020

Rise of white poppies in schools

by Rebecca Hardy

The sharp rise in white poppy orders for schools can be attributed to a more ‘honest reflection about history’, peace campaigners have said.

27th November 2020

Bristol Friends launch climate booklet

by Rebecca Hardy

Bristol Area Meeting has published a new booklet to help Friends respond to the climate emergency. The Sustainability Advices and Queries booklet is intended to supplement Quaker…