29th January 2021

Quakers lobby on controversial bill

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker lobbying was praised as the controversial Overseas Operations Bill was debated in the House of Commons last week. The bill passed through the Commons in November despite…

29th January 2021

London Friends explore debt and impoverishment

by Rebecca Hardy

The narrative that ‘all economic debt is bad’ is damaging to society and should be challenged, said Mark Thomas, founder of ‘The 99% Organisation’, at a Build Back Better…

29th January 2021

Consider seeds of violence, says AFSC

by Rebecca Hardy

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has called on the US to examine seeds of violence there, following the events leading up to Joe Biden’s inauguration when white…

Gold Medal for Jocelyn Bell Burnell
29th January 2021

Gold Medal for Jocelyn Bell Burnell

by Rebecca Hardy
29th January 2021

Quaker gets MBE for sponsored walks

by Rebecca Hardy

Newbury Friend Ruth Saunders has been awarded an MBE in the New Year Honours List. The Quaker centenarian received the award for her sponsored walk for Thames Valley Air Ambulance…

29th January 2021

BYM and Africa Section Friends meet

by Rebecca Hardy

Sixty-six Friends from Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) and from YMs across Africa came together online to ‘visit’ with each other last month. Job Bikokwa, executive secretary of…

22nd January 2021

To open or not to open

by Rebecca Hardy

Places of worship are exempt under the latest restrictions, expected to last until spring, but faith leaders have expressed caution. While most Meetings have moved online,…

Bells ring out for Treaty
22nd January 2021

Bells ring out for Treaty

by Rebecca Hardy
22nd January 2021

Destitution growing, says JRF

by Rebecca Hardy

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has called for more sustained assistance for people experiencing extreme poverty, in the third of its destitution studies. The report released…

22nd January 2021

Closures ‘foolish’, says Sheila Hancock

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Sheila Hancock has said that it was ‘foolish’ for the government to force places of worship to close down during the two national lockdowns in 2020. Speaking in Premier…

22nd January 2021

Bournville tree stays lit

by Rebecca Hardy

A large Christmas tree outside Bournville Meeting is to keep its lights on until the end of January in an attempt to uplift people.

22nd January 2021

Quaker school pupil helps homeless

by Rebecca Hardy

A York schoolgirl is cycling the distance of a marathon to raise money to help young homeless people.