16th April 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: Assisted dying

by Joseph Jones

After a period of worship to clear minds, the Meeting turned to what clerk Margaret Bryan had referred to as ‘the principal item for consideration’. In October 2019 MfS…

16th April 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: Simplification

by Joseph Jones

After an update on the agenda for Yearly Meeting in session (30 July to 8 August 2022), and a minute from Manchester and Warrington AM calling for increased consideration of the…

9th April 2021

Friends highlight census’s arms link

by Rebecca Hardy

Huddersfield Quakers have alerted Friends to the fact that a leading military company is involved in the UK 2021 Census. The contract for processing census forms has been put in…

9th April 2021

Race report ‘ignores need for structural change’

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has said that it is ‘disappointed’ in the UK government’s race report that was released last week. It said that BYM had called ‘for action to…

9th April 2021

Database for women peace meditators

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker group Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB) has highlighted a new platform aimed at putting women in the forefront of peacemaking.

Friends consider future of The Pales
9th April 2021

Friends consider future of The Pales

by Rebecca Hardy
9th April 2021

Scottish Quakers support hustings guide

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers in Scotland are publicising a guide to help Friends engage with candidates for the Scottish parliamentary elections in May. The twenty-seven-page guide, put together by the…

2nd April 2021

Friends mark day of reflection for Covid-19

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers joined people all over the country to mark a national day of reflection on 23 March, with a nationwide minute of silence at noon followed by bells tolling. Paul Parker,…

2nd April 2021

Bristol Quakers hold peace lecture

by Rebecca Hardy

Bristol Quakers held their annual peace lecture last week on the theme of ‘Can war be abolished? Britain’s role in working for world peace.’

Greenham woman thanks Newbury Meeting
2nd April 2021

Greenham woman thanks Newbury Meeting

by Rebecca Hardy
2nd April 2021

‘Quaker Question Time’

by Rebecca Hardy

The Labour MP Preet Kaur Gill will feature in the second of the ‘Quaker Question Time’ events, which will take place online in June. Friends will be able to put questions to…

2nd April 2021

Quaker Tapestry Museum raises roof funds

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Tapestry Museum has raised over two-thirds of the estimated £250,000 needed to restore its roof. The funding has been sourced from local Quaker funds, grants and…