23rd April 2021

Rowntree Society explores slavery links

by Rebecca Hardy

A research project set up by The Rowntree Society into global supply chains has revealed histories of slavery, forced labour, colonialism and racial injustice.

23rd April 2021

Historical records of Philadelphia Friends digitised

by Rebecca Hardy

Records from Philadelphia Quakers’ Monthly and Quarterly Meetings have been digitised as part of a project to preserve the records of early congregations in the state.

16th April 2021

Bristol Friends consider ‘Kill the Bill’ protests

by Rebecca Hardy

Bristol Quakers are considering what they can do to support nonviolent campaigning against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. Several Friends in the city have been…

16th April 2021

Quakers celebrated on Women’s Day

by Rebecca Hardy

The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and the Scottish History Society have launched a video celebrating Quaker women to mark International Women’s Day.

16th April 2021

Tackle harm from gambling, urge campaigners

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Action on Alcohol and Drugs has joined churches and charities to urge the UK government to act decisively and urgently in tackling the harm caused by gambling.

Blue plaque for Kathleen Lonsdale
16th April 2021

Blue plaque for Kathleen Lonsdale

by Rebecca Hardy
16th April 2021

QSA announce new homeless project

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA) has launched a new scheme aimed at providing a space for people who do not have access to a kitchen to prepare meals.

16th April 2021

‘Why did your Meeting grow?’ ask Friends

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) is investigating why some Meetings grow and others decline. The consideration follows an analysis of the Tabular Statement, the annual report of all…

16th April 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: Facing change

by Joseph Jones

In her letter to Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) representatives, clerk Margaret Bryan welcomed the signs of spring. It was fitting for a Meeting that dealt with change, perhaps even…

16th April 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: Becoming an inclusive Society

by Joseph Jones

After registering Escaping Victimhood as a Quaker Recognised Body, and approving a letter of greeting to Ireland Yearly Meeting, the report from Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM)…

16th April 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: End to overseers

by Joseph Jones

Further change came with a Quaker Life Central Committee (QLCC) minute asking Friends to stop using the term ‘overseer’. It was ‘hurtful and must be changed’ said the QLCC clerk.

16th April 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: AM/BYM relationships

by Joseph Jones

Last December, BYM trustees asked MfS whether it would be useful to have a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between BYM and Area Meeting (AM) trustees. MfS welcomed the idea, and…