Almost half of the people made workless under the 2020 furlough scheme remained out of work for the rest of the year, according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).
Quakers helped launch a West Midlands climate assembly this month in preparation for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). The event on 20 July was…
Over 1,800 people have already booked their place on this year’s Yearly Meeting Gathering (YMG) – thought to be one of the highest numbers in recent years.. Clare Scott Booth,…
East Kent Quakers welcomed Friend Liz Cooper last month as she cycled from Broadstairs to Canterbury Meeting House as part of a relay leading up to the 26th UN Climate Change…
A Sunderland Friend has spoken about the role that Quaker women played in the movement to end thhe slave trade. The talk by Ann Smith was made for the virtual unveiling of a blue…
The Nontheist Friends Network has been meeting this month for its annual conference.
The Quaker poet Philip Gross has contributed to a map project exploring the mysterious sense of place.
After lunch and notices the Meeting turned to minutes sent in from Area Meetings (AMs). There were twelve in total, plus minutes from Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW)…
Jeff Beatty, co-clerk to QPSW Central Committee, opened the item by expressing his hope that the concerns about restructuring set out in several AM minutes had been addressed in…
Restructuring in Quaker Life is largely complete and Rachel Matthews, the new head of supporting communities for BYM, offered an update on how the new arrangements in the…
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