3rd February 2023

QARN on missing asylum-seeking children

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends have spoken out about the 200 children recently reported to have gone missing from hotels run by the Home Office.

3rd February 2023

Back anti-nuclear ban, Quakers urge

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers called for the government to engage with the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) last month.

3rd February 2023

Quakers open more warm banks

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are continuing to set up warm spaces to help the cost-of-living and energy crisis.

3rd February 2023

Quaker advice on discussing the military in schools

by Rebecca Hardy

The risk of suicide is two-to-four times higher for young veterans than it is for regular civilians, according to new research commissioned by the Ministry of Defence.

Invitation for George Fox woodland commemoration
27th January 2023

Invitation for George Fox woodland commemoration

by Rebecca Hardy
27th January 2023

Funding ‘energy champions’

by Rebecca Hardy

Central England Quakers (CEQ) are supporting a joint fuel poverty project to create a network of ‘energy champions’.

27th January 2023

Suspended sentence for Just Stop Oil Quaker

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker received a six-month suspended sentence last month after climbing onto a gantry on the M25 as part of a Just Stop Oil (JSO) protest.

27th January 2023

Quaker lockdown community marks 1,001 days

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker community that was created to help Friends in lockdown marked its 1,001st online worship this month.

27th January 2023

Auction of Quaker abolitionist archives

by Rebecca Hardy

An archive of handwritten letters and printed material compiled by a leading Quaker abolitionist is going to auction next month.

Call for debate into ‘military space race’
20th January 2023

Call for debate into ‘military space race’

by Rebecca Hardy
20th January 2023

Call to ‘defend democracy and human rights’

by Rebecca Hardy

There is a pressing need to defend our human rights this year, Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has said, as more anti-democratic measures are in the pipeline. Writing on the Quakers…

20th January 2023

Friend’s 500-mile walk for rainforest

by Rebecca Hardy

A Manchester Friend is walking 500 miles in the next twelve months to raise funds for a lawsuit to protect Malaysian people from environmental exploitation.