Friends in Wales host ecocide event
'The proposal to make ecocide a culpable offence under international law was received with close attention and led to lively informed discussion.’
Friends in Wales hosted a public event exploring the campaign to make ecocide an international crime last month.
The Mid Wales Area Meeting event in Machynlleth on 26 October attracted approximately fifty people, mostly non-Quakers, to hear speaker Rob Monaghan, Stop Ecocide International’s communications manager.
John Senior, from the AM, told the Friend that the illustrated talk on ‘Ecocide – destruction of the natural environment by deliberate or negligent human action’ and ‘the proposal to make it a culpable offence under international law was received with close attention and led to lively informed discussion’.
Meeting for Sufferings has received minutes on ecocide from several Area Meetings. It has become an ongoing concern for Quakers around the country with six Area Meetings (Hampshire & Islands, Bristol, Pickering & Hull, Manchester & Warrington, Cornwall, and Devon) organising events to raise awareness about the campaign to have ecocide recognised as a crime against humanity.
Quaker Peace & Social Witness has provided a platform for those Area Meetings that are keen to engage with this issue to get together.
John Senior said: ‘Mid Wales Area Meeting will be discerning whether it supports the designation of Ecocide as a culpable offence under international law at its meeting for business on 19th November.’