31st May 2013

Quaker United Nations Office

by Oliver Robertson

Climate change. Peacebuilding. Control of seeds. Children of prisoners. What do these issues have in common? They are all work areas at the Quaker United Nations Office…

31st May 2013

The nature of the church

by Caroline Humphries

A small group of Friends gathered on Saturday evening to explore how the Gospel message preached by George Fox and the early Friends is still relevant to us today.  The New…

31st May 2013

Kindlers book launch

by The Friend

The Kindlers packed out their special interest group as they promoted three new publications on Saturday: Early Quaker Women by Elaine Hobby, Quakers and Christ Today by Doug Gwyn…

31st May 2013

Bath 2014

by The Friend

Images of refreshment and renewal, prompted by a reference to the famous Roman baths, were raised in a short presentation promoting the 2014 Yearly Meeting Gathering of Friends to…

Penn Friends in the park
31st May 2013

Penn Friends in the park

by Elinor Smallman
17th May 2013

Woodcraft Folk back campaign

by The Friend Newsdesk

Woodcraft Folk, the national children’s charity, has pledged to campaign to get the military out of schools.  At their recent Annual General Meeting (AGM) the charity voted…

17th May 2013

Kath Russell bows out at Woodbrooke

by The Friend Newsdesk

Delicious cakes and morning tea were on the table in the new Garden Lounge at Woodbrooke on Friday 5 May as Kath Russell, head of centre development at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study…

Friends walk to celebrate 100 years of NFPB peace witness
17th May 2013

Friends walk to celebrate 100 years of NFPB peace witness

by The Friend Newsdesk
17th May 2013

Reinventing QLGF

by The Friend Newsdesk

At the recent Spring gathering of the Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship (QLGF) Michael Hutchinson challenged members to focus on the future without forgetting the past.

‘Ground the drones’ march
10th May 2013

‘Ground the drones’ march

by The Friend Newsdesk
10th May 2013

Campaign for Elizabeth Fry

by The Friend Newsdesk

A campaign to keep Quaker social reformer Elizabeth Fry on the £5 bank note is gaining momentum.

Award for Coventry Quaker
10th May 2013

Award for Coventry Quaker

by The Friend Newsdesk