Jessica Metheringham Photo: Photo courtesy of Jessica Metheringham.

Jessica Metheringham will be the George Gorman lecturer in 2014

George Gorman lecturer 2014 announced

Jessica Metheringham will be the George Gorman lecturer in 2014

by Ian Kirk-Smith 6th December 2013

Next year’s George Gorman lecturer will be Jessica Metheringham, Britain Yearly Meeting’s new parliamentary engagement officer.

Jessica will explore the meaning of equality in her lecture at Bath Yearly Meeting Gathering (YMG) in August 2014. She said: ‘Everyone agrees with equality, but when they come to talk about it then it seems as if different people mean different things. I want Friends to ask themselves whether equality is really what they think it is. They can help in advance by letting me know their views through my website’

The lecture is given once every three years at Britain YMG, traditionally by a younger Friend on a subject that interests them. The last George Gorman Lecture was given by Simon Best at YMG in Canterbury and was on the subject of radicalism.


. . . . and perhaps to ask themselves whether equality is necessarily all it’s cracked up to be. For example, what would ‘complete equality’ in a hospital mean? Why should those doctors get all the perks, like getting to do open heart surgery . . . why not let the cleaners have a go? But stepping back a little from the absurd, who should choose what’s played on Radio 3 - the elite who have worked with music all their lives, or the ordinary people in the nation, who have (perhaps) no less a right to stake a claim? Does equality lead to a deadening of the society, so that everything migrates to the lowest common denominator and quality is lost in the rush to give everyone a chance? Oh dear, so many difficult questions, so little time . . . .

By gmetheringham on 8th December 2013 - 18:20

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