The Pilgrimage for Peace and Economic Justice has been given a grant from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. The pilgrimage, which is modelled on the Olympic torch relay…
Some ninety Friends, from seventeen Local Meetings across central southern England, gathered on 27 April, in Bournemouth, to hear Geoffrey Durham speak.
This year Christian Aid Week will be urging the British public to ‘bite back at hunger’. Christian Aid Week runs between 12-18 May and will highlight the problem of…
The conflict in Israel/Palestine and the effect of government welfare cuts, the two key subjects on the agenda, produced strong, thoughtful, contributions at Meeting for…
The subject of government cuts and welfare reform produced a very lively afternoon session, with many contributors drawing on individual experience. A Friend reflected on…
Every generation there is a revision of the Book of Discipline, Quaker faith & practice. The subject, when raised at Meeting for Sufferings, prompted a lot of questions.…
Jennifer Barraclough, clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting trustees, reported on their latest meeting. She talked about some of the subjects raised, such as giving, and said that…
Quakers have welcomed the historic vote last week at the UN General Assembly to adopt a treaty to control the trade in conventional arms. The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) was…
Quakers in Britain have joined other religious groups from across the G8 countries in calling on heads of government to follow the UK in fulfilling existing commitments to spend…
Swarthmoor Hall in Cumbria, the home of Margaret Fell, features in a new three-part series on BBC Four. In the series, The Century That Wrote Itself, author Adam Nicolson…
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Written by and for Friends on the bench