Meeting for Sufferings: BYM trustees’ report
Jennifer Barraclough reported to Meeting for Sufferings on the most recent BYM trustees’ meeting
Jennifer Barraclough, clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees, reported to Meeting for Sufferings on the trustees’ meeting that had taken place the previous day.
She highlighted three main areas. The first of these concerned risk awareness. An important part of a trustee’s role, she told Friends, was ‘not to be caught by surprise’. She added that risk awareness is not about ignoring risk, but neither is it about being risk averse.
The second area covered was the trustees’ role in strategic planning. The trustees, she explained, are thinking in terms of the next five to ten years. She said that she ‘had never found a spirit saying there was no need to be effective and efficient’.
Finally, the trustees are already working on Britain Yearly Meeting’s next annual report, she said. They are considering what to include and how to present it, so that the document is accessible to people from beyond the Quaker community. The key message will be about BYM’s faith-based work – ‘what it is and what it looks like’.
This annual report will provide a good opportunity to explain the work completed in 2014, Jennifer concluded.