The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) has defended its past funding of the campaign group Cage. In a press conference last week Asim Qureshi, research director of Cage,…
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has joined charity ForcesWatch in criticising a recent government resource for schools, that they feel promotes ‘military values’. The…
There are approximately two decades left to achieve the large-scale decarbonisation necessary to avoid dangerous climate change, Irish Friends were told recently in Cork by a…
Christchurch Meeting of the Yearly Meeting of Aotearoa/New Zealand has found a new home. The original Meeting house and surrounding land were destroyed in the September 2010…
An inspiring talk on the experience of being a Muslim woman growing up in West Yorkshire and working for peace in the area was a highlight of a recent Northern Friends Peace Board…
Quakers will host hustings with the main political parties in the approach to the general election. Hustings will take place around Britain, including at Friends House in London.…
The first same-sex marriage carried out by a recognised church in Scotland was recently celebrated by Edinburgh Friends. Mark Bitel and Tony Gross were married on Valentine’s Day…
More than fifty Friends and others gathered from 6 to 8 February for a conference organised by the Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) in partnership with the Woodbrooke…
York’s new Jewish Community will open its doors, or rather those of Friargate Meeting House, to local people, on Friday 27 February.
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Written by and for Friends on the bench