Meeting for Sufferings: From sustainability to memorial plans
Area Meeting minutes were received by Meeting for Sufferings
Four minutes were received from Area Meetings (AMs) for consideration by Meeting for Sufferings, held at Friends House, London, on Saturday 4 July.
Wensleydale & Swaledale AM raised issues regarding sustainability, particularly new energy technologies and the importance of climate change adaptation. The minute has been forwarded to the Britain Yearly Meeting Sustainability Group for advice.
Pickering & Hull AM’s minute related to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Friends spoke of their concerns and of the urgency surrounding this issue. Friends were encouraged to write to their MPs and heard of work being done by Quaker Peace & Social Witness’s (QSPW’s) Economics, Sustainability and Peace programme, the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) and the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO).
Luton & Leighton AM expressed the hope that commemoration events marking the centenary of the end of world war one could become more multinational, focusing on reconciliation and committing participants to peacebuilding. Friends were asked to alert Local and Area Meetings to this concern so that it might be more widely tested.
Southern Marches AM updated Sufferings on plans for a memorial to the innocent victims of war at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. Due to the need for further information regarding this proposal, this item will be returning to the agenda for consideration at Meeting for Sufferings in September.