This year’s Swarthmore Lecture, Mending broken hearts; rebuilding shattered lives: Quaker peacebuilding in Eastern Africa, was delivered in one voice, rather than two, as…
The wide range of centrally managed work done in the name of Friends by Britain Yearly Meeting staff was the subject of an informative session on Friday afternoon. A number of…
The dedication and hard work of employees of the Friends House Hospitality Company (FHHC), who look after all aspects of the security, cleaning, reception, catering and running of…
Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) hosted a lively interest group on Saturday 28 May entitled: ‘Building a new economy: simple, equal, economic stewardship.’
Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), the Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB) and Young Friends General Meeting (YFGM), brought together by a shared witness against nuclear…
Mindfulness is part of the toolkit Quaker Social Action (QSA) deploys in its This Way Up (TWU) project, which aims to help people set achievable goals and develop coping…
The dramatic increase in the number of people relying on private rented accommodation was highlighted in an interest group on ethical landlords. The session, which was used to…
Friends were told, in the interest group on climate justice, that if we do nothing the resulting chaos would be devastating.
The work of the Central Nomination Committee’s (CNC) twenty-one members is perhaps the most important and least well-known and understood of all the major Yearly Meeting (YM)…
A challenging production by Journeymen Theatre left a hushed audience with food for thought on Saturday. Lynn and David Morris performed ‘Feeding the Darkness… Shining a Light…
The inspiring work of two nineteenth century Welsh pacifists was highlighted in a well-received public lecture at Yearly Meeting. Richard C Allen, reader in early modern history at…
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Written by and for Friends on the bench