Friend launches petition
A Quaker has launched a petition address to the secretary of state for justice
A Friend has launched an online petition to remove the ban on people in prison being allowed to vote in national and local elections.
Ann Barnes, of Cambridgeshire Area Meeting, has addressed the petition to Liz Truss, the secretary of state for justice.
Ann said: ‘The Howard League for Penal Reform, the Prison Reform Trust and Quaker Peace & Social Witness have long campaigned for an end to this ban, and the European Court of Human Rights ruled that it is in contravention of the European Convention on Human Rights.
‘I would like to think that hearing the voice of ordinary people might help to influence the justice secretary’s thoughts on the matter.’
She added: ‘People in prison are just that “people”, who should be entitled to take the same responsibility as everyone else in shaping the future of the society they will eventually return to as the rest of us. It is about human rights, dignity and equality. The link is’