Friends shine light on water pollution
13th October 2023

Friends shine light on water pollution

by Rebecca Hardy
13th October 2023

Rwanda plan risks PTSD for soldiers

by Rebecca Hardy

Military personnel forced to assist with deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda risk post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or ‘moral injury’, a Quaker-linked military advice…

13th October 2023

Quiz for Prisons Week

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers in Criminal Justice (QICJ) marked Prisons Week by sharing a quiz with Friends.

13th October 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: Crynwyr Cymru/Quakers in Wales

by Rebecca Hardy

Over 6-8 October, Meeting for Sufferings met at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, for a residential weekend. The Friend joined online, but heard from Friends who attended in-person that it…

13th October 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: QLCC on membership

by Rebecca Hardy

On Saturday morning Friends heard from a Quaker Life Central Committee (QLCC) group that has been considering how membership works in the Religious Society of Friends. Robert Card,…

BYM backs witness for Trudi Warner
6th October 2023

BYM backs witness for Trudi Warner

by Rebecca Hardy
6th October 2023

Friends hold Quaker Week climate vigils

by Rebecca Hardy

Hundreds of Quakers across England and Scotland held climate vigils last month for Quaker Week.

6th October 2023

Quakers renew calls to ‘Stop Ecocide’

by Rebecca Hardy

Bristol Quakers hosted a ‘Stop Ecocide’ event last month to raise awareness of the campaign to make ecocide an international crime.

6th October 2023

New custodians for Quaker memorial

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Service Memorial Trust had its last meeting last month, ending with what one Friend described as ‘a very positive closing minute’.

6th October 2023

Cambridge Quakers honour Elizabeth Fry

by Rebecca Hardy

Cambridge Quakers hosted a talk about Elizabeth Fry, the Victorian prison reformer, to hear about the legacy of her work.

Quakers push peace education in Scotland
29th September 2023

Quakers push peace education in Scotland

by Rebecca Hardy
29th September 2023

‘Make Polluters Pay’, say Friends

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers and other activists called for more international action on the loss and damage caused by climate breakdown last weekend. Friends across the country marked Make Polluters…