‘T-shirt memorial’ against gun violence
8th September 2023

‘T-shirt memorial’ against gun violence

by Rebecca Hardy
8th September 2023

BYM petitions PM on right to boycott

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) staff joined others to hand in a petition at 10 Downing Street urging the prime minister to scrap the anti-boycott bill.

8th September 2023

Friends remember Peterloo Massacre

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends were among a gathering to mark the 204th anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre last month. The event on 16 August marked the moment in 1819 when over 60,000 peaceful…

8th September 2023

Horsham Friends hear ‘Refugee Tales’

by Rebecca Hardy

The Illegal Migration Act has made it even more pressing for the volunteer community to pull together, Horsham Friends heard last month.

8th September 2023

Joan Baez campaigns for AFSC

by Rebecca Hardy

Joan Baez, the renowned folk singer and activist, is raising funds for American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) ahead of a new documentary about her life.

1st September 2023

Friends support Bibby Stockholm evacuees

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have been supporting asylum seekers affected by the Bibby Stockholm barge controversy.

1st September 2023

Edinburgh Friends host Fringe ‘artist hub’

by Rebecca Hardy

Edinburgh Quakers provided a sanctuary for Fringe artists at this year’s August festival.

1st September 2023

BYM backs ‘faster, cheaper’ migrant schemes

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has urged the government to roll-out UN-backed schemes to support asylum seekers. The call came after the long-awaited United Nations High Commissioner…

Blue plaque ceremony for Bertha Bracey
1st September 2023

Blue plaque ceremony for Bertha Bracey

by Rebecca Hardy
1st September 2023

Friends plan vigils for Quaker Week

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends are organising vigils to witness against the government’s push for continuing gas and oil extraction. The Quaker Support for Climate Action (QS4CA) group will be holding…

Friends welcome York’s first rabbi in 800 years
25th August 2023

Friends welcome York’s first rabbi in 800 years

by Rebecca Hardy
25th August 2023

Friends join DSEI peace pilgrimage

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are organising a peace pilgrimage to support witness against the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair.