Art the Arms Fair hosts successful auction
10th November 2023

Art the Arms Fair hosts successful auction

by Rebecca Hardy
10th November 2023

BYM joins call for end to violence in Israel and Palestine

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has joined Christian calls for an end to violence in Israel and Palestine.

10th November 2023

Exeter Quakers hold vigil for peace

by Rebecca Hardy

Exeter Quakers held a ‘strictly silent’ vigil last week for peace.

10th November 2023

Christmas socks for Wandsworth

by Rebecca Hardy

An inmate who benefitted two years ago from the Christmas sock appeal for Wandsworth Prison, will this year be helping its relaunch.

10th November 2023

Step towards single London AM

by Rebecca Hardy

The seven Area Meetings (AMs) of London have responded to an Invitation to Commit to forming a single AM for London.

3rd November 2023

BYM hosts reparations conference

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) hosted the UK’s first reparations conference organised by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Afrikan Reparations (APPG-AR) this month.

3rd November 2023

Quakers oppose Telford Arms Fair

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers from Telford, Wolverhampton and Malvern joined others to witness against the Specialist Defence and Security Convention arms fair (SDSC-UK) this month.

3rd November 2023

Chichester Quakers host interfaith prayer service

by Rebecca Hardy

Chichester Friends hosted an interfaith prayer service for world peace this month. Around fifty people from numerous faiths (and no faith) and denominations met to witness for…

3rd November 2023

Quaker advice to teachers on Israel and Palestine

by Rebecca Hardy

Teaching materials on Palestine and Israel have seen a ‘rapid uptake’ recently, according to the Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) peace education team.

New Faith Museum features Quaker teacup
3rd November 2023

New Faith Museum features Quaker teacup

by Rebecca Hardy
QARN prepares for 2024 general election
27th October 2023

QARN prepares for 2024 general election

by Rebecca Hardy
27th October 2023

Quakers call for ceasefire

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting has joined American Friends Service Committee, Canadian Friends Service Committee, Friends Committee on National Legislation, and the Quaker United Nations…