Nonviolence was the focus of Pope Francis' statement on the World Day of Peace

Francis speaks out on nonviolence

Nonviolence was the focus of Pope Francis' statement on the World Day of Peace

by The Friend Newsdesk 13th January 2017

Pope Francis, in a statement released on 1 January for the Catholic Church’s fiftieth World Day of Peace, urged Roman Catholics throughout the world to make nonviolence a ‘way of life’.

The statement was entitled ‘Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace’ and in it Francis said that ‘to be true followers of Jesus’ today also includes ‘embracing his teaching about nonviolence’.

The statement stressed the positive aspects of nonviolence and highlighted the problems of using violence as a means of solving conflict: ‘Violence is not the cure for our broken world. Countering violence with violence leads at best to forced migrations and enormous suffering… At worst, it can lead to death, physical and spiritual, of many people, if not of all.’

Francis reflected on ‘nonviolence as a style of politics for peace’ and said: ‘When victims of violence are able to resist the temptation to retaliate, they become the most credible promoters of nonviolent peacemaking. In the most local and ordinary situations and in the international order, may nonviolence become the hallmark of our decisions, our relationships and our actions, and, indeed, of political life in all its forms…

‘In 2017, may we dedicate ourselves prayerfully and actively to banishing violence from our hearts, words and deeds, and to becoming nonviolent people and to building nonviolent communities that care for our common home.’

The statement also quoted the words of Saint Francis of Assisi: ‘As you announce peace with your mouth, make sure you have greater peace in your hearts.’

Pope Paul VI introduced the commemoration of the World Day of Peace in 1968. It is now celebrated every year on 1 January.


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