24th March 2017

Northern Friends Peace Board meeting hears of recent work

by Harry Albright

Three Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB) groups have been working to create peace-related workshops, resources on ‘Sustainable Security’, and on ways to promote alternative…

London Link Group marks ‘Fly Kites Not Drones’ day
24th March 2017

London Link Group marks ‘Fly Kites Not Drones’ day

by Harry Albright
Sibford School to use Fairtrade bananas
24th March 2017

Sibford School to use Fairtrade bananas

by Harry Albright
Quakers in slaughterhouse vigil
17th March 2017

Quakers in slaughterhouse vigil

by Harry Albright
17th March 2017

Solitary confinement of children

by Harry Albright

An urgent challenge to a teenage boy’s ‘prolonged solitary confinement’ in a London prison will be heard in the High Court.

17th March 2017

Faith should be a basic human right

by Harry Albright

The right to believe in God the way you want, and to practice a faith the way you believe, is a basic human right World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Olav Fykse Tveit…

17th March 2017

Call for convictions to be quashed

by Harry Albright

One hundred years after the conviction of a leading woman figure in the anti-war movement campaigners are calling for a review of her case by the Criminal Cases Review Commission…

17th March 2017

Headley Brothers sold

by The Friend Newsdesk

Headley Brothers Limited of Ashford in Kent, printers of the Friend magazine for sixty-five years, went into administration on the morning of 2 March and a deal for the…

17th March 2017

Friends at Hay Festival

by The Friend Newsdesk

A panel of Quaker speakers will take part as a main stage event at this year’s Hay Book Festival. The names of those participating in the event on Sunday 28 May will be released…

9th March 2017

Quaker MEP welcomes new directive

by Harry Albright

Green Quaker MEP Molly Scott-Cato has welcomed a new EU directive that addresses the problem of money laundering. The economic and legal committees in the European Parliament…

9th March 2017

Disabled Friend takes legal action

by Harry Albright

Esther Leighton, a disabled Friend living in Cambridge, has taken legal action against several businesses in the Mill Road area of the city after they repeatedly ignored requests…

9th March 2017

QUNO briefing paper on refugees and migrants

by Harry Albright

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) has launched a new briefing paper for Friends: Protecting refugees and migrants under the New York Declaration: challenges and opportunities…