7th April 2017

South African Friends voice concern

by The Friend Newsdesk

The Quaker Peace Centre in Cape Town sent a letter to Jacob Zuma, president of South Africa, before he controversially sacked Pravin Gordhan, one of his leading critics, who is the…

7th April 2017

Quaker attempts citizen’s arrest

by The Friend Newsdesk

A Quaker peace activist attempted to put a Saudi general under citizen’s arrest in London on Thursday for his part in the war in Yemen.

7th April 2017

The oldest Quaker Meeting house?

by The Friend Newsdesk

A new book on Airton Meeting House has prompted an intriguing question: is it the oldest extant Quaker Meeting house?

31st March 2017

Statement issued on attack

by Harry Albright

Paul Parker, recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting, has made a statement on behalf of Quakers following the violent events at Westminster on 22 March.

31st March 2017

Pilgrimage for the Common Good

by The Friend Newsdesk

Friends are organising a pilgrimage in April that aims to highlight the lives of those who have fallen out of the ‘safety net’ of the welfare state.

31st March 2017

Developing country debt payments increase

by Harry Albright

New figures from the Jubilee Debt Campaign (JDC) show that average government external debt payments across the 122 developing countries for which data is available have risen from…

31st March 2017

Famine appeal launched for East Africa

by Harry Albright

Christian Aid has issued an appeal to support its famine relief work in East Africa. In Kenya, home to around 120,000 Friends, the government has declared a national emergency.…

31st March 2017

Forced migration listening tour

by The Friend Newsdesk

Quakers around the country have been sharing their thoughts on refugees and asylum seekers with two staff members of Friends House who are presently engaged on a ‘Forced…

31st March 2017

Homeless witness

by Harry Albright

Pupils at The Mount, the Quaker girls’ school in York, raised awareness of the plight of the city’s homeless by holding a sleepout on 24 March.

New Meeting house in Clitheroe
24th March 2017

New Meeting house in Clitheroe

by Harry Albright
24th March 2017

Albuquerque Friends provide sanctuary

by Harry Albright

Albuquerque Friends Meeting, New Mexico, is providing sanctuary for a Honduran grandmother at risk of deportation.

Young adult steering group meets
24th March 2017

Young adult steering group meets

by Harry Albright