Quaker call on climate change
Friends have called on the government to meet their obligations to tackle climate change
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) is calling on the government to face up to the UK’s full obligations to tackle climate change.
At the twenty-third annual conference of the parties (COP23) under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held in Bonn last month, the UK government sought to reinforce its leadership role of earlier negotiations and backed ambitious plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
However, the recent publication of the government’s long-awaited Clean Growth Strategy reveals that new policies will fail to cut emissions in line with the UK’s legally-binding carbon allowances for this period, and relies on ‘flexibilities’ within UK climate law. The government has been criticised by its own advisory Committee on Climate Change.
Quakers fear the UK could undermine the global commitment to the Paris climate deal. ‘Whilst communities at home and overseas are already facing the impacts of climate change, the UK risks falling well short of its obligations to cut emissions,’ said Paul Parker, recording clerk of BYM. ‘As people of faith, we call on the government to redress this injustice. The government is right to seek leadership in UN climate negotiations. But this must be founded on real action at home. This is about integrity.’
Friends World Committee for Consultation represented Quakers at COP23, along with the Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva.