Peace activist Friend wins ‘not guilty’ verdict
3rd November 2017

Peace activist Friend wins ‘not guilty’ verdict

by Harry Albright
3rd November 2017

Chichester Meeting affirms statement on diversity

by Harry Albright

Chichester Meeting has affirmed a statement on diversity after a group of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning) Friends spoke at Sussex West Area…

3rd November 2017

Young Friends General Meeting ’best-attended in years’

by Harry Albright

Young Friends General Meeting (YFGM) was held at Redlands Meeting house in Bristol from 20 to 22 October with over eighty Friends in attendance. It was the best-attended YFGM in…

Call to increase funeral funding
27th October 2017

Call to increase funeral funding

by Harry Albright
White poppies – a left-wing agenda?
27th October 2017

White poppies – a left-wing agenda?

by The Friend Newsdesk
27th October 2017

Kenyan Quakers call for calm

by Harry Albright

Quakers in Kenya are calling on Friends in Britain and around the world to uphold them as the political crisis in their country deepens.

27th October 2017

Living Wage accreditation

by Harry Albright

Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Area Meeting (AM) has recently joined the list of those organisations accredited as a Living Wage employer. Living Wage rates are independently…

27th October 2017

Quaker peace campaigner on trial in Burnley

by Harry Albright

The trial of Quaker campaigner Sam Walton, who along with Methodist minister Dan Woodhouse is charged with criminal damage for their attempt to disarm warplanes being sold to Saudi…

27th October 2017

Quaker work in North Korea

by Harry Albright

Lucy Roberts, the regional director of the Asia Programme of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), recently talked to about sixty people at an event organised by members…

27th October 2017

Digging the Dirt on tour

by Harry Albright

A play set partly in the world of the seventeenth century Digger movement is presently touring Quaker Meeting houses in Britain.

QSA leader wins top award
20th October 2017

QSA leader wins top award

by Harry Albright
20th October 2017

Meeting for Sufferings: Speaking out for Friends

by Ian Kirk-Smith

Paul Parker, the recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting, spoke about the broader role of communications from Friends House. All of the speaking out, he explained, is done on…