Ruth Cadbury hosted the launch of the 'Stay Wider of the Rider' campaign

Quaker MP hosts London Cycling Campaign launch

Ruth Cadbury hosted the launch of the 'Stay Wider of the Rider' campaign

by Rebecca Hardy 27th July 2018

Ruth Cadbury, the Quaker MP, recently hosted the launch of a campaign aimed at making London roads safer for cyclists.

The London Cycling Campaign (LCC) ‘Stay Wider of the Rider’ follows a survey which showed that fear of ‘close passing’ leads cyclists to change routes and feel intimidated on roads.

The research found that twenty-three per cent of cyclists asked by LCC said ‘close passing’ happens every time they cycle. A third of cyclists questioned online said they have changed their routes to avoid it.

The campaign was launched at the Houses of Parliament on 10 July. A map will be available for cyclists to log incidents to build a full picture of the problem.

Ruth Cadbury, Labour MP for Brentford and Isleworth, said: ‘The dangers to cyclists have become a regular occurrence, which is why we urgently need this stay wider campaign to raise awareness among millions of drivers about just how dangerous close passing is.’

A social media campaign, with a video featuring triathletes the Brownlee Brothers, will support the campaign to educate cyclists and drivers about the distance that should be left when overtaking.


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