19th October 2018

‘Awakening Compassion’ in London

by Rebecca Hardy

Four members of Quaker Concern for Animals (QCA) joined a monthly event in Trafalgar Square, London entitled ‘Awakening Compassion’.

19th October 2018

QAN update

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Arts Network (QAN) has updated its website, inspired by a successful QAN Day that attracted people from the US, the Netherlands and Scotland.

19th October 2018

Chris Alton talks Quakerism on Young Artists website

by Rebecca Hardy

Chris Alton, the Quaker artist and 2018 Swarthmore lecturer, was interviewed on the ‘web platform’ Young Artists in Conversation this month.

19th October 2018

Meeting for Sufferings: Sufferings reaffirms boycott commitment

by Elinor Smallman

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees asked Meeting for Sufferings for advice and discernment regarding a proposal to explicitly exclude investments in companies profiting from the…

19th October 2018

Meeting for Sufferings: Four specific proposals on sustainability

by George Osgerby

It has been ‘a long journey’ for Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) on the issue of sustainability, Anne Ullathorne, clerk of Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), said on 6 October at…

19th October 2018

Vibrancy in Meetings: Beyond the pilot

by George Osgerby

The pilot programme of the Vibrancy in Meetings project will come to an end in December 2019, Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) heard on 6 October.

19th October 2018

Meeting for Sufferings: Cautious optimism for Circles UK

by Elinor Smallman

Meeting for Sufferings welcomed an update from Claire Cooper, parliamentary engagement officer for Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), on the status of Circles of Support and…

Friends rally round for ‘Stansted Fifteen’
12th October 2018

Friends rally round for ‘Stansted Fifteen’

by Rebecca Hardy
12th October 2018

MPs advised on ‘positive’ military values

by Rebecca Hardy

The government is advising MPs to say they associate the military with ‘positive values’ such as ‘loyalty, resilience, courage and teamwork’, according to Britain Yearly…

12th October 2018

Sheila Hancock speaks out against indefinite detention

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker actor Sheila Hancock delivered an impassioned indictment of the use of indefinite immigration detention in the UK when she joined Jeremy Irons, Zoe Wanamaker, Christopher…

12th October 2018

Thank you from Rwanda Yearly Meeting

by Rebecca Hardy

Rwanda Yearly Meeting has thanked Friends throughout the world for supporting its appeal for funding to help install thirty-five lightning rods required by a government decree.

12th October 2018

Jordans Quakers highlight prison issues and restorative justice

by Rebecca Hardy

JordanS Quaker Centre held a workshop on Prisons and Justice last month, with contributions from past prisoners and a prison governor.