20th September 2019

‘People power’ in Kingston open days

by Rebecca Hardy

Kingston Meeting celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Heritage Open Days (HOD) scheme last week with an exhibition of Quaker involvement in grassroots movements. The…

20th September 2019

East Cheshire Friends support DSEI protests

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers from East Cheshire supported the witness against the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair in London by holding a protest on the main street in…

Police interrupt ‘Stop DSEI’ Worship
13th September 2019

Police interrupt ‘Stop DSEI’ Worship

by Rebecca Hardy
13th September 2019

New Meeting starts at university

by Rebecca Hardy

Yorkshire Friends are piloting a new Meeting at the University of Huddersfield in a bid to attract more young people into the Society.

13th September 2019

BYM warns against ‘more discipline’ in schools

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has written an open letter to the secretary of state for education expressing alarm at plans to allow more disciplinary measures in schools including…

13th September 2019

Friends protest earth tremor

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers joined hundreds of people in a rally outside Cuadrilla’s shale gas site this month demanding a halt to fracking in Lancashire after a record-breaking earth tremor caused…

13th September 2019

QARN speaks out on Home Office plan

by Rebecca Hardy

A member of the Quaker Asylum Refugee Network (QARN) has spoken out about Home Office plans to end family reunification for asylum-seeking children in the event of a no-deal…

13th September 2019

Friends join XR ‘faith bridge’

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are planning to take part in a ‘faith bridge’ in the next phase of Extinction Rebellion (XR) protests starting on 7 October. The Christian Climate Action group has…

Friends protest DSEI
6th September 2019

Friends protest DSEI

by Rebecca Hardy
6th September 2019

Quakers stand against prorogue of parliament

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends made their voices heard against the hugely controversial decision to prorogue parliament made by prime minister Boris Johnson.

6th September 2019

Ethical Landlords Association closes

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker-founded Ethical Landlords Association (ELA) has dissolved due to ‘the difficulty of establishing a new body from scratch’.

6th September 2019

Record-breaking animal rights march

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends from Quaker Concern for Animals (QCA) were among the 12,000 vegan activists who took part in a record-breaking march last month demanding ‘an end to all animal…