The land and buildings of the former Bamford Quaker Community in the Peak District are up for sale.
Friends House has been awarded two prestigious accreditations. The Meetings Industry Association (MIA) gave the venue a Gold accreditation, while the ‘Accredited in Meetings’…
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) joined twenty-two other signatories last week in congratulating Keir Starmer on his appointment as prime minister. The letter also urged him to tell…
Quakers are compiling a database to remember conscientious objectors (COs) in world war two. The team includes Ellis Brooks, from Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), Philip…
A new collaboration between a Quaker-founded eco group and other charities will receive £200,000 to help communities take climate action.
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has joined three other denominations and Christian Aid in encouraging people to consider the benefits of setting up ‘faith wills’. The Faith Will…
Interest in hosting Armed Forces Day events has declined in recent months, according to ForcesWatch and the Peace Pledge Union (PPU). This was highlighted through a Freedom of…
The Quaker Arts Network (QAN) will have a presence at the Greenbelt Festival this summer, with a gazebo of its own. Meetings for Worship (MfW) have been a regular occurrence at the…
The Quaker-initiated Pity of War memorial was unveiled at the National Memorial Arboretum last month.
The Friends World Committee for Consultation Europe and Middle East Section (FWCC EMES) has welcomed a new staff member to focus on communications.
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