1st March 2024

Trident expensive and immoral, says BYM

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has reiterated its concern over the Trident missile system, after reports emerged of another failed test.

Leicester Friends spotlight Elizabeth Heyrick
1st March 2024

Leicester Friends spotlight Elizabeth Heyrick

by Rebecca Hardy
23rd February 2024

Quakers mark two years of war in Ukraine

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends across the world will mark the two-year anniversary of war in Ukraine with an extended international worship for peace.

23rd February 2024

Tottenham Friend faces deportation for climate witness

by Rebecca Hardy

A Tottenham Friend had their request for bail approved last week, after spending over a year in prison for climate activism.

23rd February 2024

Quakers urge end to Rafah offensive

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has written to the prime minister calling for the UK to use diplomatic pressure to urge Israel to change course.

Children play major role at London event
23rd February 2024

Children play major role at London event

by Rebecca Hardy
23rd February 2024

Friends uphold Liverpool Quaker in climate trial

by Rebecca Hardy

Liverpool Quakers are upholding a local Friend on trial for climate witness this week.

16th February 2024

Inter Faith Network faces imminent closure

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends are being urged to write to MPs and sign a petition to save the Inter Faith Network (IFN) from closure.

16th February 2024

Quaker socialists discuss private schools

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Socialist Society (QSS) discussed how state schools and Quaker private schools can promote ‘life-long Quaker values’ last month.

Friends pilot peer mediation scheme
16th February 2024

Friends pilot peer mediation scheme

by Rebecca Hardy
16th February 2024

Peace cranes from Hiroshima

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers were involved in a ‘Trees of Peace’ installation on display in Coventry Council House last month; it will be touring Coventry libraries for the rest of 2024. The…

16th February 2024

European elections a ‘turning point’, says QCEA

by Rebecca Hardy

Polls suggest that the European electorate is increasingly concerned with climate change, poverty, and public health, Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has said.