26th February 2021

Nobel Peace Prize nominations

by Rebecca Hardy

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) have nominated two organisations – Mwatana for Human Rights and Campaign Against Arms…

26th February 2021

Friends House accused of ‘toxic culture’ on race and religion

by Rebecca Hardy

A former Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) employee has made a series of allegations over social media about her treatment at Friends House, accusing the organisation of being part of a…

26th February 2021

Manchester Friends drop ‘overseer’ term in push for racial justice

by Rebecca Hardy

Manchester and Warrington Area Meeting (AM) has decided to drop the term ‘overseer’ and to substitute the term ‘pastoral care team/member’ ‘wherever possible’. The move…

26th February 2021

Quaker Africa interest Group 2021

by Rebecca Hardy

About forty Friends from Britain Yearly Meeting met online last month for the annual gathering of the Quaker Africa interest Group (QAIG).

Peace garden in Exeter
19th February 2021

Peace garden in Exeter

by Rebecca Hardy
19th February 2021

Quakers set up mental health group

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends have formed a national mental health group in response to the challenges caused by the pandemic. Seventy-seven people attended the second meeting of the Quaker Voices on…

19th February 2021

Safeguarding concerns spark review

by Rebecca Hardy

Safeguarding consultants have concluded that there are no high-risk cases needing further investigation at Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), after thoroughly reviewing historic…

19th February 2021

North Wales citizens’ forums

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker-backed group started by a local North Wales Friend is organising two online citizens’ forums to debate the climate crisis and how Wales can move to a greener, fairer…

19th February 2021

Asylum crisis grows

by Rebecca Hardy

The inequalities facing people seeking asylum have got worse in the past year, Friends heard at the first open meeting of the Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) in 2021.

Protest on Friends House
12th February 2021

Protest on Friends House

by Rebecca Hardy
12th February 2021

Stop fossil fuel finance, says BYM

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has joined sixteen faith bodies to call on the UK government to immediately ban the use of public money to fund fossil fuel projects overseas.

12th February 2021

London Friends propose ‘pan charity’

by Rebecca Hardy

London Quakers are proposing to form a pan-London charity encompassing all London Area Meetings (AMs), in a bid to simplify structures as the number of members of the Society…