Photo courtesy of BP or Not BP

'The protest included a ballet dancer with a tutu in BP’s corporate colours pirouetting outside the Theatre Royal in Glasgow.'

Protest prompts Scottish Ballet to review BP sponsorship

'The protest included a ballet dancer with a tutu in BP’s corporate colours pirouetting outside the Theatre Royal in Glasgow.'

by Rebecca Hardy 26th November 2021

Friends welcomed the news that Scottish Ballet is reviewing its sponsorship policy after climate activists staged a protest during the last days of COP26.

Quaker James Deane, from Bristol Meeting, hailed the news as ‘instant activism’ after taking part in the protest organised by the ‘BP or Not BP’ group on 12 November. 

‘I was in a die-in outside there not an hour ago with [performance artist] Rev Billy Tallen and the Stop Shopping Choir,’ he told the Friend.

The company was targeted for accepting sponsorship from BP, the oil and gas company. It is one of the few arts companies still linked to the firm. The protest included a ballet dancer with a tutu in BP’s corporate colours pirouetting outside the Theatre Royal in Glasgow.

Scottish Ballet later tweeted: ‘We recognise the importance of this. As part of our green action plan we are reviewing all our partnerships to ensure they’re fully aligned with our carbon neutral goal. We’ll be sharing more updates soon.’

The day before, the company said that it aimed to be fully carbon-neutral by 2030.


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