16th February 2018

Prison chaplains

by Medhina

My first attendance at the Quaker Prison Chaplains Conference towards the end of 2017 was full of valuable information, friendly folk, encouragement, sparkling presentations and…

9th February 2018


by Bill Bingham
9th February 2018

Interview: Jennifer Kavanagh - Finding oneness

by Jennifer Kavanagh
9th February 2018


by Rosemary Brown
9th February 2018

The practice of sanctuary

by Craig Barnett

British Quakers have been deeply involved in supporting refugees since the seventeenth century, when they welcomed Protestants who were escaping religious persecution in France.…

9th February 2018

The Reformation and Friends: Hans Denck

by Stuart Masters

We tend to assume that Quakerism is a unique faith tradition. George Fox gives the impression that his insights were formed entirely by divine revelation. However, the evidence…

9th February 2018

Is Quakerism for the elderly?

by G Gordon Steel

Young people brought up in a Quaker Meeting tend to drift away in their teenage years. This is common, and has been the case for as long as I can remember. They are growing up,…

2nd February 2018

Dunblane Friends

by Robin Davis
2nd February 2018

The ‘Great Beast’

by Tony D’Souza
2nd February 2018

The Reformation and Friends: Thomas Müntzer

by Stuart Masters

The early Quaker movement emerged out of the radical wing of the Reformation, and was influenced by the ideas of a range of radical religious groups and individuals. One such…

2nd February 2018

A Friend at Swarthmoor

by David O’Donoghue

There is perhaps no better place to mix past ghosts and future hopes than at Swarthmoor Hall, the so-called ‘cradle’ of Quakerism. Nestling in Cumbria, on the edge of…

26th January 2018

Neglect your spider plants!

by Roy Vickery