23rd March 2018

Language matters

by Frances Voelcker

Meeting of Friends in Wales meets in February, June and October each year in different parts of the country to give the widely scattered Friends a chance to worship together and to…

23rd March 2018

Race, racism and marginalisation

by Nim Njuguna

We were standing at the platform waiting for a train after a weekend workshop when a Friend posed this question. ‘I am used to it’, I assured her and added: ‘It happens so…

23rd March 2018

Friendly unity

by David Parlett

A key question addressed at a conference organised by the Nontheist Friends Network (NFN) and held at Woodbrooke on 9-11 March was the future of Quakerism in Britain: In 2005…

23rd March 2018

Final journey

by Robert Kyte
16th March 2018


by Angela Greenwood
16th March 2018

Quakers, Europe and Art Nouveau

by Rosemary Field
16th March 2018

Meetings, opportunities and outreach

by Andrew Backhouse
16th March 2018

Being a chaplain

by Fred Ashmore

We are all familiar with the idea of a prison chaplain, or one working in a hospital, a hospice, a school or a university – but a sports team or a club, or even an offshore oil…

16th March 2018

How Quaker Meetings work

by Bob Johnson

Since I was very young, I’ve always wanted to know how things worked. What does this cog do, or that lever? So, it has long puzzled me as to what makes Quaker Meetings tick.…

16th March 2018

Being true to the essence

by Jan Arriens

Are we a post-Christian Society? Dutch Friend Kees Nieuwerth (‘People of Peace,’ 2 March) expresses his keen regret that a fellow conscientious objector felt the Religious…

9th March 2018

How things have changed

by Antony Barlow
9th March 2018


by Grace Lindsay