26th January 2018

Who agreed with Balfour?

by John Peirce
26th January 2018

The destination of Anne Frank?

by Howard Grace

I was recently at a church event where the speaker described the work of his organisation to evangelise and convert Jews to Christianity. He was enthusiastic. I felt uneasy.

26th January 2018

Sharing experiences at Malvern

by Lea Cowin

The headline on the flyer for the late November weekend at Malvern was: ‘Sharing our stories over a morning, finishing with a shared lunch’. The aim of the workshop, led by…

26th January 2018

From the archive: Oh, when the saints…

by Janet Scott

The Friend published its first issue of 1918 on 4 January. An editorial on ‘Quaker Sainthood’ was inspired by the charm and fascination of Violet Hodgkin’s Book of Quaker…

19th January 2018

Catching the wind

by Timothy Pitt-Payne
19th January 2018

Making changes

by John Myhill
19th January 2018

Love to the loveless

by David Matthews
19th January 2018

Southern Africa Yearly Meeting

by Jane Dawson

Astarter for ten: how many countries can you name in Africa? Here’s another one: how many countries make up Southern Africa Yearly Meeting? And for a bonus, name them. I’m sure…

19th January 2018

In the beginning was the Logos

by Elaine Miles

What was the Logos? Logos was a very common word in Greek, with a vast range of meanings, and is not an exact equivalent of our English ‘word’. Basically logos meant…

19th January 2018

Opening to the Spirit

by Fred Ashmore

I have been worshipping in our Quaker way for several decades, learning to sit with my Friends in silent expectant waiting, learning to love the discipline and the worship,…

12th January 2018

God is

by Graham Torr
12th January 2018

Presence and inner power

by Ruth Tod