4th May 2018

Towards a just UK?

by Scottish Parliamentary Engagement Working Group
27th April 2018

Six weeks at Pendle Hill

by Jenny Firth Cozens
27th April 2018

Taking positive action

by Judith Mason
27th April 2018

God, words and us: Three levels of reality, truth and faith

by Priscilla Alderson

In the seventeenth century, Isaac Penington and Isaac Newton were searching for something similar. As Isaac Pennington described it: ‘The end of words is to bring [us] to the…

27th April 2018

From the archive: With hearts and minds prepared…

by Janet Scott

As Yearly Meeting 1918 approached, several subjects were on the minds of Friends. The propositions relating to ‘War and the Social Order’ (now eight rather than the previous…

20th April 2018

Towards faithful progress

by Derrick Whitehouse
20th April 2018

God, words and us: The river of the Spirit

by Alison Leonard
20th April 2018

Slow crawl

by Trish Munn
20th April 2018

Light, power and action together

by Richard Thompson

In December 2008, nearly ten years ago, I came across a remarkable sentence of George Fox and copied it into my inner diary: ‘You have the light to see all evil and the power to…

13th April 2018

Wake up?

by Bill Bingham
13th April 2018

New light from an unexpected source

by Claire Disbrey
13th April 2018

God, words and us: The pearl of great price

by David Boulton

Every once in a while a book comes out which proves to be a marker in the continuing development of Quaker faith and practice. I believe God, words and us will prove to be just…