1st June 2018

Cherry blossom

by Ann Fox
25th May 2018

A dancing Meeting for Worship

by Anthony Gimpel
25th May 2018

A contemplative time

by Lynden Easterbrook
25th May 2018

Diversity and disability

by Quaker Disability Equality Group

We have all been called to examine diversity amongst Quakers in Britain. We trust that the call for particular attention to race and age diversity will not preclude consideration…

25th May 2018

From the archive: Yearly Meeting 1918

by Janet Scott

On 31 May the Friend reported on the fourth wartime Yearly Meeting. There was a reduced attendance, because more and more Friends were away on war or relief service either overseas…

18th May 2018

Britain Yearly Meeting 2018: Sharing stories

by Elinor Smallman
18th May 2018

Britain Yearly Meeting 2018: Perspectives on the ‘Red Book’

by Rebecca Hardy, Ian Kirk-Smith, George Osgerby and Elinor Smallman
18th May 2018

Junior Yearly Meeting 2018: Epistle

by Junior Yearly Meeting 2018
18th May 2018

Britain Yearly Meeting 2018: BYM trustees

by Ian Kirk-Smith

The mutually supportive nature of relationships between bodies representing Friends throughout British Quakerism was one of the themes in the report of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM)…

18th May 2018

Gathering in Bogotá

by Janet Scott

In the final week of April the Global Christian Forum (GCF) met in Bogotá, the capital of Columbia. The Forum was founded twenty years ago at the instigation of the World Council…

11th May 2018

Britain Yearly Meeting: Children and Young People

by Elinor Smallman and Ian Kirk-Smith
11th May 2018

A time of change

by Ian Kirk-Smith