11th May 2018

Britain Yearly Meeting 2018: Special interest groups

by Reporting by Roland Carn, Rebecca Hardy and Elinor Smallman
11th May 2018

Britain Yearly Meeting 2018: Photo montage

by All photos by Trish Carn unless otherwise stated
11th May 2018

Salter Lecture: Bearing witness or bearing whiteness?

by George Osgerby

A central theme of the Salter Lecture at Yearly Meeting on 4 May was ‘power’. Diana Jeater explored in different ways the imbalances in ‘power relationships’ between Africa…

11th May 2018

The changing face of faith in Britain

by Huw Lloyd-Richards

More than fifty Friends gathered at Woodbrooke in mid-March to discuss and respond to three written and circulated parts of the report The Changing Face of Faith in Britain, how…

11th May 2018

Moving toward integrity

by Gretchen Castle

What do we know of one another? Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) is committed to building understanding and unity among Friends across the world. We learn, over and…

4th May 2018

The Swarthmore lecturer interview: Chris Alton

by Chris Alton and Ian Kirk-Smith
4th May 2018

Building community behind bars

by Judith Roles
4th May 2018

A Quaker view of human nature

by Stuart Masters
4th May 2018

Witness in the Congo

by Margaret Gregory

Three-and-a-half years have passed since our last visit to the Congo. Much has changed for Congolese Quakers and the village of Abeka in that time. The Community of Evangelical…

4th May 2018

Militarism and schools

by Steve Whiting
4th May 2018

Learning to be human: the work of hospitality

by Jo Frew

Martha House is a house of hospitality in Tottenham. It is a way to support the homeless and lonely. I attend Tottenham Meeting, and almost four years ago my partner and I set up…

4th May 2018

God, words and us: A Christian Quaker

by Rowena Loverance