October 2, afternoon session After a Covid-safe, individually-packaged vegan lunch, Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) representatives turned to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26)…
MfS received another Area Meeting Minute on the work of QPSW, which it forwarded to its central committee, and then heard from the trustees of Quaker Concern for the Abolition of…
The Quaker-founded Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has criticised the government for going ahead with its £20 a week cut to Universal Credit.
Friends in the north are getting ready to resist the Liverpool Electronic Arms Fair (AOC Europe 2021), which is due to take place in the city next week.
Chichester Quakers held an interfaith event exploring the Sikh commitment to Seva, the compassionate service to others.
Quakers are getting ready to take part in a week of action highlighting an increase in legislation undermining human rights.
Deputy recording clerk Juliet Prager introduced a session on safeguarding by acknowledging that the subject made people worried, and consequently reluctant to discuss it. It was…
Amendments to the book of discipline were simple to approve, said clerk Margaret Bryan, since Yearly Meeting had decided they should happen. But one Friend objected to a sentence…
Friends in Surrey and Hampshire sent a minute to MfS about the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, which is currently before parilament. They were ‘very concerned’ about…
Friends in the north are celebrating the Quakers in Britain Yorkshire Centre, which will pilot new ways of working.
George Fox has been nominated for a green plaque award run by a local council. John Catt of Loughborough and John Spencer of Gravesend, Kent, independently put forward the Quaker…
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Written by and for Friends on the bench