16th July 2021

Alastair McIntosh on climate threat

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker writer and activist Alastair McIntosh highlighted the urgency of the climate threat at an annual talk last month. The Quaker academic spoke at the annual Adderbury…

16th July 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: Welcome

by Joseph Jones

July’s Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) – still online via Zoom – opened with the welcome sight of two clerks sat alongside each other. They were sharing a table at the new…

16th July 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: Meeting dates

by Joseph Jones

Early business was processed quickly and a consideration on Meeting dates was reached sooner than expected. Representatives will meet in person in October, with a residential in…

16th July 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: Young Friends at MfS

by Joseph Jones

In this most recent triennium, MfS reserved four places for adult Friends under the age of thirty-five. Naomi Major, the Engaging Young Adult Quakers project manager, had consulted…

16th July 2021

Meeting for Sufferings: Trustees reports

by Joseph Jones

Introducing her report, clerk to BYM trustees Caroline Nursey said that they had replaced their July weekend away with six online sessions. Trustees had felt upheld despite these…

9th July 2021

Friends congratulate Methodists on same-sex marriage

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have said that they are ‘overjoyed’ that the Methodist Church in Great Britain has decided to allow same-sex marriages. The church voted overwhelmingly to change the…

9th July 2021

Quaker teaching resource in Armed Forces Week

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) team launched a new teaching guide last month, on the reality of military recruitment, to coincide with Armed Forces Week. The lesson…

Huddersfield Friends join XR
9th July 2021

Huddersfield Friends join XR

by Rebecca Hardy
9th July 2021

Quaker podcasts for Festival of Chichester

by Rebecca Hardy

Speaking to the Chichester Observer, Quaker Jenny Cole said that the podcasts replace a walk around Chichester which has featured in previous years of the festival. ‘They are…

9th July 2021

Public misled over Russia clash, says PPU

by Rebecca Hardy

The Peace Pledge Union (PPU) has called on the BBC to publish Ministry of Defence (MoD) documents that were found at a Kent bus stop last month. The pacifist group, which includes…

2nd July 2021

Friends mark Refugee Week

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers celebrated Refugee Week last month with a range of action and support. Sheila Mosley from the Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) said that the week, from 14-20 June,…

2nd July 2021

BYM reserves grow thanks to legacies

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meetings (BYM) reserves increased by nearly seven per cent in 2020, according to the annual report released last week. The figures show that BYM’s reserves grew…