2nd July 2021

FWCC Gretchen Castle reflects

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Gretchen Castle spoke at a Quaker Conversations session about her nine years service as general secretary for Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC). The episode on…

2nd July 2021

Quaker talks on art and migrant children

by Rebecca Hardy

The arts have a key role to play in promoting intercultural dialogue and integrating migrant children, said a Bath Quaker at an international conference last month.

Quaker wins landmark arms fair appeal
2nd July 2021

Quaker wins landmark arms fair appeal

by Rebecca Hardy
2nd July 2021

BYM trustees speak again on racism

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees and senior management agreed a statement this month on becoming an anti-racist employer and embedding anti-racism in all work programmes.

New James Turrell ‘Skyspace’
25th June 2021

New James Turrell ‘Skyspace’

by Rebecca Hardy
25th June 2021

Friends lobby against nuclear weapon increase

by Rebecca Hardy

Churches in Stratford-upon-Avon have sent a letter to the town’s MP, expressing their concerns about government plans to expand Britain’s arsenal of nuclear weapons by forty…

25th June 2021

Human dignity requires a legal framework

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has joined people from other faith and belief bodies in appealing to the prime minister to protect the Human Rights Act, which is currently under…

25th June 2021

QSA launches ‘Cook Up’

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA)’s new project, ‘Cook Up’, is now up and running in London. The scheme involves free-to-use cooking space in Islington for people without kitchens.…

25th June 2021

Sunderland Friends seek new home

by Rebecca Hardy

Sunderland Quakers are looking for a new Meeting house after selling their previous building earlier this year. Ann Smith, clerk of Sunderland Meeting, told the Friend that they…

25th June 2021

Friends help curate CO exhibition

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends House Library staff have helped bring together a new exhibition by photographic artist Nick Smith about his cconscientious objector (CO) grandfather. ‘Fabric of…

25th June 2021

Winchmore Hill host Open Garden

by Rebecca Hardy

Forty people came to Winchmore Hill Quakers’ Open Garden this month. Local Quaker Mark Friend, who organised the event, said: ‘Over the years we have taken part in a…

BYM calls for G7 action on climate justice
18th June 2021

BYM calls for G7 action on climate justice

by Rebecca Hardy