1st April 2022

Friends in fourteen-day fast against fossil fuels

by Rebecca Hardy

Two Quakers took part in a fourteen-day vigil and fast to raise awareness of the climate crisis.

1st April 2022

BYM joins call for no new oil and gas plans

by rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) joined calls for Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to rule out new UK oil and gas developments as the UK moves away from Russian energy.

1st April 2022

European Friends help Ukrainian war refugees.

by rebecca Hardy

European Quakers have spoken more about the work they are doing to support Ukrainian refugees.

1st April 2022

Korean Quaker speaks on ‘choosing water over war’

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker campaigner against a naval base on the Jeju Island in Korea has spoken about the problem of military-contaminated water in the Pacific.

Quaker Bertha Bracey features in new book
1st April 2022

Quaker Bertha Bracey features in new book

by Rebecca Hardy
25th March 2022

Quaker project welcomes refugees to Camden

by Rebecca Hardy

A family fleeing from a war-torn part of the world will find a new life in Camden, thanks to a Quaker-instigated project.

25th March 2022

Friends highlight UK ‘temporary protection’ rule

by Rebecca Hardy

The crisis in Ukraine has highlighted ‘how public support for refugees is at odds with government policy’, the Quakers Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) has said.

25th March 2022

New Scientist Live festival pulls fossil fuel links

by Rebecca Hardy

A leading science festival appears to have cut ties with major oil and gas companies after years of opposition. This year’s New Scientist Live festival – which took place in…

25th March 2022

Quaker group makes proposals for The Retreat

by Rebecca Hardy

A group of Quakers has made some proposals regarding the development of The Retreat estate at Heslington Road in York. The proposals come from the coordinating group for ‘Quaker…

Quakers seek funding for Ukrainian refugees
18th March 2022

Quakers seek funding for Ukrainian refugees

by Rebecca Hardy
18th March 2022

Rabbi proposes kindertransport-inspired initiative

by Rebecca Hardy

A rabbi in Kent is attempting to set up a ‘Ukrainetransport’ for families fleeing the Russian invasion. Jonathan Romain’s mother fled Nazi Germany on the kindertransport…