National truth award
The world has entered ‘a deeply troubling phase, with democracy itself under threat from the undermining of truth and integrity'.
Following a deepening concern over ethics in public office, the newly-formed Quaker Truth and Integrity Group (QTIG) launched a national Quaker Truth Award.
In a year that was mired in political scandals involving a lack of truth-telling, the group released a declaration saying the world has entered ‘a deeply troubling phase, with democracy itself under threat from the undermining of truth and integrity’.
QTIG members believed ‘the majority of those in public life are people of goodwill, and seek to work respectfully with them to reach “kinder ground’,’’ they added.
Jan Arriens, assistant clerk of QTIG, told the Friend: ‘I am glad to say that the Quaker Truth and Integrity Award is going ahead. We have had some exciting nominations. The award will be made during the course of Yearly Meeting. Nominations close on 15 January, and should be accompanied by a brief explanation in support of the nomination. These may be sent to’
Friends also briefed sixty MPs ahead of a Westminster Hall debate on the subject in September. Quaker Ruth Cadbury told other MPs that action must be taken to reverse ‘the decline in standards in public life if parliament and our democracy are not to be undermined’.