6th May 2022

BYM appoints new deputy recording clerk

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has appointed Siobhán Haire to be its new deputy recording clerk.

6th May 2022

Mount School defends hosting army recruiter

by Rebecca Hardy

The Mount School has spoken out over criticisms that it invited army staff to talk during the school’s careers week. Some Quakers have expressed disquiet over the invitation,…

29th April 2022

Quaker climate expert in call for British Museum to ditch BP

by Rebecca Hardy

A leading Quaker climate expert has put his name to a submission placing renewed pressure on the British Museum to cut ties with BP.

29th April 2022

Friends welcome hunger striker’s success

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have said they are delighted that the hunger striker Angus Rose has achieved his aim for MPs to be briefed on the climate crisis. The fifty-two-year-old heard on his…

29th April 2022

Quaker women speak out for International Women’s Day

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell has said that she would love to see young girls being given more opportunities to play with STEM-inspiring (Science, Technology,…

29th April 2022

Sacked AFSC worker says goodbye

by Rebecca Hardy

A former director at American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), who was fired after criticising the organisation’s restructuring programme, has urged her colleagues to continue…

Friends in XR ‘April Rebellion’ witness
22nd April 2022

Friends in XR ‘April Rebellion’ witness

by Rebecca Hardy
22nd April 2022

Friends celebrate Salter Centenary

by Rebecca Hardy

The Salter Centenary steering group has developed a plan to create a green wildlife walkway next to Wilson Grove, the garden cottage estate built by Ada Salter.

22nd April 2022

Swastikas spray-painted outside US Meeting house

by Rebecca Hardy

A Friends’ Meeting in the United States has reported two swastikas found spray-painted outside a Quaker cemetery in New Jersey.

22nd April 2022

Friend describes power of silence for BBC Mother’s Day service

by Rebecca Hardy

A Welsh Quaker mother of two young children gave a moving reflection for the BBC on Sul y Mamau, Mother’s Day, focusing on the power of silence to help us listen to ourselves,…

22nd April 2022

Quaker peace work in Spanish civil war

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker peace work in the Spanish Civil War is explored in a new book by the author Maggie Brookes-Butt. The novel Acts of Love and War draws on research from Friends House Library…