Scotland is not doing enough to meet its climate targets, Andrew Tomlinson, parliamentary engagement officer for Quakers in Scotland, has said.
The Northern Friends Peace Board has highlighted a new database which has revealed a number of unreported drone strikes.
Friends started the afternoon session reflecting on Yearly Meeting (YM) 2022, particularly its decision to make reparations for Quaker involvement in the transatlantic slave trade,…
As part of BYM trustees’ report, Friends heard about a consultation that BYM had done with staff members over equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
Friends also considered the future of Woodbrooke, which was another item at the meeting of BYM trustees. Caroline Nursey said: ‘Woodbrooke trustees are now clear that Woodbrooke…
Towards the end of the afternoon, Friends heard about the Quaker response to the war in Ukraine, in relation to a minute sent by Quaker Peace & Social Witness Central Committee…
Protestors should be aware that new protest restrictions have now come into place, Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has warned.
A Quaker comedian has railed against the understaffing, emotional toll, poor pay and exhaustion affecting carers, in a book based on his decade
Quakers took part in a four-day climate justice festival in Northumberland last month. Rebecca Woo, campaigns and advocacy coordinator for Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), spoke at…
The reality of life on the streets was put under the spotlight this week at a talk hosted by Quaker Social Action (QSA).
The Quaker who delivered this year’s annual Bristol Peace Lecture has released a video of poetry and music based on her performance.
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