18th March 2022

Islington school in Quaker peace education film

by Rebecca Hardy

A London School is modelling the importance of peace education with the help of a new Quaker initiative.

18th March 2022

London Quakers uphold sex and gender diversity

by Rebecca Hardy

London Quakers have organised a third session on the topic of ‘Sex and Gender Diversity’. The day on 24 March follows two previous sessions last June and December.

18th March 2022

Quakers oppose human rights changes

by Rebecca Hardy

Plans to reform the Human Rights Act will create two classes of humans – one with protected rights and another whose rights could be violated, Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has…

18th March 2022

Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meeting (YM)

by Joseph Jones

It was difficult to know someone in the Spirit unless you first knew them in the temporal, said Siobhan Haire, introducing herself as clerk nominate of YM 2022. Like many Friends,…

18th March 2022

Meeting for Sufferings: Sunday

by Joseph Jones

Before worship on Sunday morning, Friends dealt with greetings to other Yearly Meetings and some simplification to the section in Quaker faith & practice on marriage.

‘Peace begins with me’
11th March 2022

‘Peace begins with me’

by Rebecca Hardy
11th March 2022

Quaker co-writes World Prayer Day liturgy

by Rebecca Hardy

A Friend has written about her experiences as a Quaker representative for this year’s World Day of Prayer (WDP).

11th March 2022

QUNO: Transform root causes of climate crisis

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have called for ‘urgent, fair and transformative’ action to transform the root causes driving climate change. Members of the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) made a…

11th March 2022

Removing noise restrictions on protests ‘top priority’, say BYM

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends have expressed their frustration about last Monday’s changes to the Policing Bill, in which MPs voted down ‘the positive changes’ made by members of the House of…

Meeting for Sufferings: Sombre start
11th March 2022

Meeting for Sufferings: Sombre start

by Joseph Jones
11th March 2022

Meeting for Sufferings: Review of YM/YMG

by Joseph Jones

Saturday morning was chilly for those Friends gathered in The Light. The room garners its environmental credentials from using body heat. Unfortunately this needs 100 or more…

Quakers condemn the attack on Ukraine
4th March 2022

Quakers condemn the attack on Ukraine

by Rebecca Hardy