28th October 2022

New fund for young climate activists

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have helped set up a new memorial fund to support young climate activists.

28th October 2022

BYM reports on party conference season

by Rebecca Hardy

The leaders of both major parties – one, of course, now changed – seemed committed to tackling the climate crisis, but had different solutions to achieving this, Britain Yearly…

28th October 2022

Friends raise issue of military emissions

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has welcomed an intervention during a meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) raising the issue of military…

Quaker witness against Vanguard honours John Woolman
21st October 2022

Quaker witness against Vanguard honours John Woolman

by Rebecca Hardy
21st October 2022

Quakers fight deportation of Zimbabwean Friend

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends in Stockton-on-Tees have rallied around a fellow Quaker who fears for her life if returned to Zimbabwe as part of the UK government’s policies for asylum seekers.

21st October 2022

Quaker play for UN anti-poverty day

by Rebecca Hardy

Two Quaker theatre practitioners have collaborated with anti-poverty campaigners on a play, to mark the United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

21st October 2022

Quaker-run B&B wins Green Mark Award

by Rebecca Hardy

The Dell House, run by Kevin and Elizabeth Rolph of Malvern Meeting, has been awarded the Malvern Hills Sustainable Tourism Green Mark for their commitment to environmental…

21st October 2022

New Quaker witness for Faslane naval base

by Rebecca Hardy

Scottish Friends have set up a new witness for peace to support worship taking place outside HM Naval Base Clyde (‘Faslane’). The base, which hosts four Trident submarines, has…

14th October 2022

Quakers launch national truth award

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends concerned about the decline of integrity in society are launching a national Quaker Truth Award. They are also seeking allies to work on the issue.

Esther Loukin to deliver 2023 Swarthmore Lecture
14th October 2022

Esther Loukin to deliver 2023 Swarthmore Lecture

by Rebecca Hardy
14th October 2022

Friends respond to prison report

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have welcomed a long-awaited report on indeterminate prison sentences and are considering their response.

14th October 2022

Totnes Friends highlight Loss and Damage

by Rebecca Hardy

Totnes Quakers highlighted the voices of those most affected by climate change on Loss and Damage Day last month.