Friends plan vigils for Quaker Week
‘The basic ask is that Quaker Meetings organise a vigil after a Meeting for Worship in Quaker Week to witness to our opposition to the government’s proposal to grant 130 new licences to drill for oil in the North Sea.’
Friends are organising vigils to witness against the government’s push for continuing gas and oil extraction. The Quaker Support for Climate Action (QS4CA) group will be holding vigils during Quaker Week, with the support of members’ Local and Area Meetings.
Tina Leonard, from QS4CA, told the Friend: ‘The basic ask is that Quaker Meetings organise a vigil after a Meeting for Worship in Quaker Week to witness to our opposition to the government’s proposal to grant 130 new licences to drill for oil in the North Sea.’ The plans are ‘in contradiction to the IPCC statement that fossil fuels need to stay in the ground for a healthy environment and future for all’, she added.
Phil Laurie, also from QS4CA, said: ‘We suggest outside the Meeting house, but, as many of these are in quiet locations, we suggest moving to a more prominent location. Exeter [Quakers] have indicated they will extend their MfW to the local high street, which is a great idea.’
Although it is ‘early in the process’, added Tina Leonard, ‘so far Exeter has set a date of Oct 1st for a vigil, and Chichester, Oxford and Pickering and Hull Meetings are in the process of discussing holding vigils.’
Working in conjunction with the climate-focussed staff at Friends House and Woodbrooke, the 250-stong group was set up to support Quakers taking action on climate emergency. Phil Laurie told the Friend: ‘We formed from a group that was set up to support and facilitate Quaker attendance at the April XR [Extinction Rebellion] event “The Big One”. [It] grew from that, as there was a perceived need to support Quakers who take vital action within this area. The only requirements are that you are affiliated with a Meeting – being in membership is not a requirement. Also, that you wish to take part in [some form of] climate campaigning… No action is more valuable than any other.’
The government says the licences will ‘increase the UK’s energy security and reduce dependence on higher-emission imports’, as well as creating jobs.