Quakers highlight loss and damage at COP27
11th November 2022

Quakers highlight loss and damage at COP27

by Rebecca Hardy
11th November 2022

Quakers open ‘warm banks’ as costs rise

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are offering Meeting houses as warm spaces, as the cost-of-living crisis bites.

11th November 2022

Friends join march to Downing Street over cost-of-living crisis

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends were among those who marched to Downing Street last month to take a stand against the climate emergency and cost-of-living crisis.

11th November 2022

Exeter Friends talk peace and reparations

by Rebecca Hardy

Exeter Quakers invited Religious Education teachers from across Devon for a training session last month.

11th November 2022

Quakers in dialogue with parliamentarians

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers were among churches who visited the UK parliament this month to discuss bringing about positive change.

Quaker school student held without charge
4th November 2022

Quaker school student held without charge

by Rebecca Hardy
4th November 2022

Quakers put priorities to new PM

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has written to Rishi Sunak, the new prime minister, urging him to focus on the climate, cost-of-living, peace, and truth.

4th November 2022

QCEA urges release of political prisoners

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has been participating in informal exchanges with Egyptian civil society and other organisations coordinating action around the UN…

4th November 2022

Actor Mark Rylance backs white poppies

by Rebecca Hardy

The Peace Pledge Union (PPU)’s white poppy campaign launched last week with the backing of Mark Rylance.

4th November 2022

Ecocide is crime against peace, say Friends

by Rebecca Hardy

Hampshire & Islands Area Meeting has decided that it will put forward to Meeting for Sufferings a concern that ecocide should become law and be made part of the Statute of…

Anti-frackers vow to carry on
28th October 2022

Anti-frackers vow to carry on

by Rebecca Hardy
28th October 2022

Public Order Bill passes milestone

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are expressing dismay that a bill which would drastically limit the right to protest has passed through parliament.