Harrisburg Quakers’ ‘T-shirt memorial’.
Harrisburg Quakers’ ‘T-shirt memorial’.
One US Quaker Meeting has highlighted the victims of gun violence by organising an unusual roadside display.
As residents drove past Harrisburg Meeting House last month, fifty colourful T-shirts lined the road, each bearing the name of a Harrisburg area resident whose life was lost to gun violence. The memorial moved on 1 September to another local place of worship, and will continue on to other sites.
Ruth Seitz, a member of Harrisburg Meeting, said she was dedicated to the cause, after losing two family members to gun violence. ‘I have a personal real deep commitment to this issue. A gunshot is so final. It’s such an incredible loss to families.’
‘We are hoping people who pass by will maybe slow down and read what it’s about,’ she added. ‘We hope people will think about the ways they can be more peaceful in their own lives and maybe take action to reduce gun violence in some way.’
The campaigners will also send letters to local and state lawmakers, in support of gun reform legislation. The T-shirt display was organised in partnership with the local chapter of the nonprofit group Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence.
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