Twenty-nine people from a Quaker group formed in lockdown came to meet together in person for the very first time at the Quaker Glenthorne Guest House and Conference Centre last…
Quakers were an integral part of a global scientists’ report last month, which delivered a ‘final warning’ on the climate crisis.
The Quaker peace education team has spoken out about the work of Ofsted following outcries over a Berkshire headteacher who took her own life after her school’s stressful…
A Quaker-supported project providing short respite breaks for asylum seekers and refugees continues to grow.
Woodbrooke trustees have opened an email address to collect stories from Friends, with the aim of creating an anthology of memories. The move follows the announcement that the…
Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has launched a new report Storytelling from the Frontlines: Forefronting the voices of communities most affected by militarism and the…
The Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) has backed criticisms of the government’s controversial immigration bill, urging it to be withdrawn.
If elected, Labour must focus on prevention, rehabilitation, and restorative justice to repair the criminal justice system, Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has said.
Quakers were invited to speak about pacifism this month on BBC Radio 4.
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Written by and for Friends on the bench