A Quaker-run programme has been backed by the Church of England following a heated debate at its General Synod. On the afternoon of Monday 9 July, the synod passed a motion…
The Natural History Museum in London faced protests on Monday evening as it hosted a reception for arms dealers attending the Farnborough arms fair in Hampshire.
Nick Clegg has appeared to contradict the policy of his own government by suggesting that faith groups should be allowed to carry out legally recognised same sex marriages. David…
Two of the UK’s largest churches have voted to condemn targeted attacks on individuals by unmanned aerial vehicles, known as drones. The news follows several drone attacks on…
Several Birmingham Quakers got up at 5am on a recent Sunday morning to make sure the tea and coffee were ready – for people greeting the Olympic torch.
The silence was settled. Friends had come from every corner of Britain. They were gathered in worship in the George Fox room at Friends House. A Friend rose. She…
Meeting for Sufferings was told of the distinctly different roles and responsibilities of MfS and BYM trustees. Jonathan Fox, in his report on the work of Britain Yearly…
Marigold Bentley, of Quaker Peace and Social Witness, addressed Meeting for Sufferings on when and how it was best for Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) to speak out on an issue. …
The recent Yearly Meeting at Friends House was described at Meeting for Sufferings as a ‘beautiful weekend’ and ‘reflective’. Penny Vernon, in giving a personal…
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